How to use Invignome’s pens

For Cryosections

  1. Once you slice your sample allow it to dry overnight in a semi-closed slide box (so dust won’t collect on the samples).
  2. Store your samples at -20C.
  3. The day day before immunohistochemistry or Immunoflourescence protocol (IHC/IFA) – place the samples in a fridge (+4C) to thaw slowly.
  4. Starting your protocol – allow the slides to reach room temperature in a closed slide box.
  5. While the slides warm up prepare your buffers and reagents, dilute your antibodies to the right concentrations and so on.
  6. Before starting – apply a hydrophibic barrier line around every slice
  • Shake the pen vigurously for 10 seconds, roughly.
  • Remove the GnomePen cap off and make sure the tip is clean.
  • Run a line around your samples, making sure to connect the circles or shapes you draw to generate a continuous hydrophobic barrier.
  • Allow the line to dry off for a few seconds (usually under a minute).

Start your procedure.

For Paraffin embedded samples

  1. Remove the wax from the slice using lowering Xylene/water stepped gradient.
  2. Once done your sample should be slightly wet. Make sure it stays wet to avoid any damage to the sample.
  3. Apply your GnomePen hydrophobic barrier:
  • Shake the pen vigurously for 10 seconds, roughly.
  • Remove the GnomePen cap off and make sure the tip is clean.
  • Run a Q-tip (a cottong swab) around the sample to dry off a line – and then run the GnomePen on the same track.
  • Note the GnomePen can write on slightly wet slides (if there is water or low concentration buffers there), but it’s preferable to dry off an area around the slice and mark on the dry line.
  • Allow the line to dry off for a few seconds (usually under a minute).

Start your procedure.

Good luck!
Invignome Team