Welcome to our FAQ webpage. Feel free to suggest more FAQ’s by mail.
Frequently Asked questions
1. At what stage should I apply the GnomePen?
Invignome’s liquid blocker should be applied at the beginning of the experiment. It is nearly impossible for a very hydrophobic liquid to bond to the slide when there is a layer of water (TBS/PBS/other buffers) on the slide.
2. How do I use your hydrophobic blocker if I have Paraffin embeddes samples?
Simple! Here is an instructional page for cryosectiond and paraffin embededed samples.
3. My protocol calls for use of strong acid/alcohol/acetone etc. with your product. Will it work?
Sadly, no. Our PAP Pen formulation is designed for use with paraformaldehyde or formalin. We recommend you use it with paraformaldehyde as a fixative either at 4% or 2% working concentrations.
4. What is the lifetime of the GnomePen?
The GnomePen and BarrierPaste have a much longer shelflife than regular PAP Pens – 18months.
5. Can I have a user manual/MSDS for the product?
You can download user manuals, brochures and MSDS directly from our site’s download page.
6. What’s the difference between a GnomePen Classic and Flat
Simple. Take a look:
Invignome’s GnomePen classic and mini produce fine lines while the GnomePen flat and even more so, the BarrierPaste generate a wide line. The thin line are for thin slices and thicker lines will hold more water and are suited for thick slices such as those designed for Z stacking confocal microscopy.
7. I need help with troubleshooting flow rates (over flow or underflow)
We have an average 0.1% pen failiure rate and every pen is tested before leaving our factory. Flow rate issues are caused due to too cold or too hot ambient tempreature the pens is exposed to. The solution takes two seconds – see our troubleshooting page.
8. Can GnomePen withstand an antigen retrieval process?
Sadly, no. But this does not mean you cannot use GnomePen.
Apply the GnomePen hydrophobic blocker line before you start your first IHC/IFA. Before antigen retrieval – quickly wash your sample with Xylene and the hydrophobic line will wash away. Once you are ready to start your second IHC/IFA procedure – run a Q-tip (or any cotton swab) to clean a line around your sample and re-apply the hydrophobic line there. Allow it to dry for a few seconds and continue as usual.
Other questions?
Do you have a question you don’t see here? Simply Email our HelpDesk! We will assist you shortly.
Good luck with your experiments! Invignome Team